Connie Bakshi

Connie Bakshi (b. Atlantic City) is an artist based in Los Angeles, trained as a classical pianist and biomedical engineer. Her work interrogates mythologies and rituals of power and the invisible dynamics they exert on gender, race, and embodied experience across time. Working predominantly with AI, she speculates on the identity of a post-colonial future and probes the dissolution of boundaries between human and non-human, synthetic and organic, material and immaterial.



Image From Dawn Chorus all rights reserved by Connie Bakshi

And she said, ‘Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures.’ So she created every living creature, of every kind, with which the waters swarm. And she saw that it was good. She blessed them saying, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the world with your song.’ And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

DAWN CHORUS is a defragmentation of data and destiny, where the ghosts of ancient histories converge with specters of symbiotic futures. The artwork presents an excerpt from XENOGENESIS, a world that continues to build on a collaborative inquiry between artist and AI around diasporic histories, fragmented memory, and the persistence of data. XENOGENESIS considers a post-anthropocentric epoch in which the machine begins to create its own image.